Nourishing the future engineering generation

On April 20, 2023, we, HELUKABEL Vietnam, successfully organized the seminar "Industrial Automation" for students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology.

The seminar "Industrial Automation" for students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology

Today, industrial electricity is a field that tends to thrive in the future, providing diverse job opportunities for students in high-tech electrical industrial parks. Therefore, to help students prepare well after graduation and realize their dream of becoming professional industrial electrical engineers, we, HELUKABEL Vietnam, organized a seminar with the “Industrial Automation” topic for students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology.

The "Industrial Automation" seminar took place successfully with the participation of lecturers from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering; a representative of the Training Department of the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology; Mr. Prapan Angsuthasawit – Director of HELUKABEL Vietnam, and specialized engineers. In it, D.Sc. Truong Phuoc Hoa – Head of Power Supply Department – Head of Power Electronics Research Laboratory and MSc. Nguyen Duc Hung - Head of Industrial Electrical Laboratory - Lecturer of Power Supply Department - Faculty of Electrical - Electronics, who connected and supported the organization of this seminar.

The lecturers and students of the HCMUT, and HELUKABEL Vietnam took pictures at the seminar.
The lecturers and students of the HCMUT, and HELUKABEL Vietnam took pictures at the seminar.

“The seminar is extremely useful for students because this is an opportunity for them to experience real knowledge and prepare for the future. At the same time, the topic of the seminar is also related to the majors of the students, helping them visualize specifically industrial automation, and how to choose electrical cables in several related subjects, thus, students can complete their graduation project”. Emphasized D.Sc. Truong Phuoc Hoa – Head of Power Supply Department – Head of Power Electronics Research Laboratory.

This is the first time we, HELUKABEL Vietnam, have ever had an opportunity to meet students, who are future engineers in the industrial electricity sector, and exchange our knowledge at a seminar. “The Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology is a university famous for its quality of training, especially for students majoring in electrical engineering. Therefore, we want to bring our expertise and practical experience in electrical connection technology in industrial automation to students”, shared Mr. Prapan Angsuthasawit – Director of HELUKABEL Vietnam.

D.Sc. Truong Phuoc Hoa – Head of Power Supply Department – Head of Power Electronics Research Laboratory at HCMUT.
D.Sc. Truong Phuoc Hoa – Head of Power Supply Department – Head of Power Electronics Research Laboratory at HCMUT.

The seminar was held with the main content of 2 parts: providing technical knowledge and a mini game to review knowledge with attractive gifts. Through the form of learning while playing, the seminar took place in a lively and exciting atmosphere.

Mr. Prapan Angsuthasawit – Director of HELUKABEL Vietnam presented the knowledge related to the field of industrial automation.
Mr. Prapan Angsuthasawit – Director of HELUKABEL Vietnam presented the knowledge related to the field of industrial automation.
Students of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology listen to sharing from engineers of HELUKABEL Vietnam.
Le Van Truong (standing, green shirt) in the exchange of professional knowledge about specialized electrical cables in industry with engineer Le Tran Chinh - Business Development Manager of HELUKABEL Vietnam (standing, black shirt).
Le Van Truong (standing, green shirt) in the exchange of professional knowledge about specialized electrical cables in industry with engineer Le Tran Chinh - Business Development Manager of HELUKABEL Vietnam (standing, black shirt).

Sharing their feelings when participating in the seminar, Le Van Truong, a 4th-year student of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, majoring in Electrical Engineering said: “Today's event is crucial and useful, through the event, I have access to lots of new knowledge about electric cables and automation technology. I hope there will be more events like this next time so that students can learn and grasp reality effectively".

"Useful - new - interesting" are the keywords when talking about this "Industrial Automation" seminar. Their interest will be the motivation for us, HELUKABEL Vietnam to continue the journey of accompanying and supporting students to access practical experience, as well as support the exchange of professional knowledge with specialized engineers. We hope that the seminars will bring many positive values to students, who are preparing to enter the profession and build a career.

In the future, “The biggest goal that we aim at in the seminar is to make students understand what industrial automation is, why we need automation technology, how automation is applied, and what role electrical connection technology play in industrial automation”, added Mr. Prapan Angsuthasawit.

Some pictures at the seminar

Mr. Le Tran Chinh - Business Development Manager of HELUKABEL Vietnam presented prizes to Le Van Truong in the mini-game.
Mr. Le Tran Chinh - Business Development Manager of HELUKABEL Vietnam presented prizes to Le Van Truong in the mini-game.
Mr. Prapan Angsuthasawit - Director of HELUKABEL Vietnam company gave gifts to the luckiest students in the mini-game of the seminar.

We, HELUKABEL Vietnam, would like to express our sincere thanks to the lectures at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology. Besides, for the success of this seminar, we are deeply indebted for the help of the D.Sc. Truong Phuoc Hoa, and MSc. Nguyen Duc Hung, who strenuously supported us a lot in the preparation and organization of the event. In particular, the enthusiastic participation of students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering was also an essential factor in helping the seminar to go well in a joyful and exciting atmosphere.

In the future, we, HELUKABEL Vietnam, will continue to bring seminars to provide valuable knowledge about electrical connection technology and related fields for engineering students to help them get the best practical experience and solid practical knowledge before graduation.
