T.I.C.K.R Show: United by 5 core values
As a key highlight of Town Hall 2025 in HELUKABEL Vietnam, T.I.C.K.R Show showcased a series of creative activities that vividly and meaningfully embodied the core values.

T.I.C.K.R Show, an outdoor event held on January 17, created a lasting impression with its exciting activities. During the event, HELUKABEL's five core values - Trust, Identity, Clarity, Knowledge, and Results - were brought to life through a dynamic range of engaging experiences.
Trust is built through challenges
Trust was tested through a collaborative challenge where team members had to rely entirely on each other’s guidance to complete a blindfolded cable handover task. This activity emphasized the importance of trust within a team, while also strengthening the bonds that serve as the foundation for long-term success.

Identity shines through creativity
The branded costume design challenge highlighted HELUKABEL's unique identity. Each design showcased creative ideas that not only reflected the company’s values but also allowed members to express their pride in contributing to the company's ongoing journey and growth.

Clarity makes the difference
Clarity was demonstrated in the cooking show, where every stage - from preparing ingredients to cooking and presenting dishes - required clear, precise action. This focus on detail not only produced visually appealing dishes but also reflected the clear, efficient approach we value in our professional work environment.

Knowledge is the foundation of growth
Knowledge, one of the most important core values, came to life through a professional Q&A session. From deep understanding of the product to the ability to apply knowledge in practice, our members demonstrated that knowledge is a solid foundation for continuous development and innovation.

Results reflect effort
Results are clearly reproduced through customer consulting simulation activities by industry. The ingenuity and product understanding have demonstrated the professionalism and tireless efforts of our team members, thereby bringing proud results.

T.I.C.K.R Show was more than just a year-end bonding event, it was a chance for each individual to connect with the company's core values on a deeper level. These meaningful moments not only inspired but also sparked creativity and collaboration, setting the stage for the HELUKABEL Vietnam team to achieve even greater success in 2025.