Solutions to prevent copper conductor oxidation in cables

A common concern among businesses using electric cables is the risk of copper conductor oxidization if the cables are not used for a long time. What causes this, and how can we effectively protect our cables? Let’s explore the solutions in this article!

1. Causes of copper conductor oxidation

Copper conductor oxidation occurs when the copper's color fades after being exposed to air over time. Relevant tests have shown that the black layer forming on the surface of copper conductors is copper oxide, which results from hidden factors in the cable insulation, such as lead (Pb) and sulfur (S). When the cable is exposed to substances from the hydroxyl group (OH) or chlorine (Cl), the insulation material becomes weakly acidic, making the copper conductor more prone to oxidation.

It can be seen that the oxidation process is triggered when certain chemical conditions are met. Therefore, basically, if cables are manufactured according to standards, and are properly used and stored, the risk of oxidation can be significantly minimized.

During the cable manufacturing process, the overall quality of the cable can be poor if the input copper is not guaranteed and contains numerous impurities. Additionally, appropriate technology must be used in the copper wire drawing process to avoid contact with oxidizing machine oils. At the same time, in the cooling stage, inadequate process control can allow moisture to penetrate the conductors, setting the stage for accelerated oxidation later on.

Regarding the use and storage of cables in industrial settings, several factors contribute to the oxidation of copper conductors. Often, unsealed conductors create conditions where air and oxidizing agents can come into prolonged contact.

Causes of copper conductor oxidation

2. Solutions to minimize copper conductor oxidation

To reduce the risk of copper conductor oxidation in cables, businesses should prioritize selecting products from reputable cable brands that adhere to strict production processes and ensure copper quality according to required standards. This is essential to minimize the risk of product degradation and loss.

With standard-length cable rolls, manufacturers typically provide cable ends with caps to prevent oxidation. However, when cables are cut to custom lengths, they often cannot cap each roll in large quantities and instead cover the entire cable with an outer plastic film. This can inevitably lead to surface oxidation. In such cases, reputable brands address this by cutting the oxidized cable ends before delivering the product to customers.

Solutions to minimize copper conductor oxidation

For businesses, it’s advisable to equip the remaining cable sections with electrical tape or caps to preserve them for long-term storage. Various types of cable caps are available on the market, ranging in size from 25 to 120mm and thickness from 1 to 3mm. It’s important to choose high-quality caps that fit your specific cable dimensions to optimize storage and limit air exposure.

Electrical tapes
Electrical tapes.
Cable caps
Cable caps.

3. How are cables stored at HELUKABEL Vietnam's warehouse?

At HELUKABEL Vietnam's warehouse in Binh Duong Province, cables are stored in a temperature-controlled environment to ensure they maintain optimal performance upon delivery to customers. Each cable drum is organized into designated LOTs and placed on well-ventilated wooden pallets, facilitating easy unloading. Upon arrival at the warehouse, cables undergo a thorough inspection, including checks on the cable caps and outer films. For cut cables prepared for customer delivery, the warehouse supervisor carefully wraps the cut ends with electrical tape to prevent air exposure, causing oxidation.

How are cables stored at HELUKABEL Vietnam's warehouse?
Wrapping the cut ends with electrical tape

We hope this article has provided you with valuable information! Don’t hesitate to contact HELUKABEL Vietnam for essential advice on industrial cable products!


905, Nguyen Kiem Street, Ward 3, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City 700000, Vietnam

Tel. +84 28 77755578 | |
